Membership Savings
All members have a membership savings account. This savings account is where your initial $5.00 membership share is deposited and maintained. Use your membership savings account to save for any purpose.
Club Accounts
Each member has access to two additional savings accounts to be used for any special savings purpose. Some members use the accounts to save for Christmas or vacation. Make your savings plan work for you.
Use “PADs” (Pre-Authorized Disbursements) to set up a regular transfer from another account to your Savings or Club Account at R-S Bellco. Set it and forget it and before you know, you will reach your savings goal. Call or stop in to use PADs to start saving today.
Sign up for home banking and give your account their own special name like Matthew’s College Fund or Family Christmas Club.
A few other important points:
Dividends on Savings and Club Accounts are paid quarterly and are calculated on the daily balance.
A maximum of 6 transfers are permitted from each account by law in a month.
Federally insured credit unions offer a safe place for you to save your money, with deposits insured up to at least $250,000 per individual depositor. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the independent agency that administers the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Like the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund, the NCUSIF is a federal insurance fund backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.